SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) worth $4,913 | My Highest Bounty Ever !
Hi Everyone! ,
Hope you’re doing well , today I am doing another write-up about one of my best findings and my highest bounty ever. It’s an SSRF — Server Side Request Forgery vulnerability I discovered in Dropbox Bug Bounty Program.
On First Glance , Dropbox Program looked very interesting to me as it was having best payout and good response time , so I choose to hunt on Hellosign mentioned on Dropbox Bug Bounty Program’s Policy.
I started hunting on main application at , I found that there was a feature of importing document from Dropbox , GDrive , BOX , OneDrive , EverNote. At this point SSRF came up in my mind already , so I started with Dropbox Import Feature , I saw the following request :-
I changed the value of file_reference
parameter to my burp collaborator URL , But I got 404
😫 , at this point I thought they already have SSRF Protection there , I gave up and closed my P.C
On Next Day with fresh mind , I thought to Dig-In Again and I tried with OneDrive Feature and I saw this request :-
GET /attachment/externalFile?service_type=O&file_reference=MYONEDRIVEFILELINKHERE&file_name=FILENAME.ANYTHING&c=0.8261955039214062 HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.111 Safari/537.36
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,hi;q=0.7
You’ll see that above request is having a service_type paramter value O
which means onedrive it’s making it different from the first request which is from dropbox and having D
in that parameter. Now value of file_reference
parameter changed to my collaborator link and luckily i got a ping this time.
After this a PDF got generated on HelloSign which contained the content of my collaborator page. At this moment I got too much happy 😍
Now I moved to get localhost content , At first I checked which cloud service they’re using on , I found that they're using AWS/EC2 , So tried getting
, But I got :-
404 Not Found
Sadly Request Didn’t Go through , Now I tried , that too got the same response.
Now I got lil sad but I tried to find more ways through Hackerone Hacktivity and Found this GEM Report :- where reporter used 303
Redirect to Bypass SSRF Protection.
I quickly hosted the following code on my server :-
Now I tried again with my server redirect link and Finally!!! I got the content of AWS Instance (Metadata) 😍 😍 😍
Now I got too much happy and shocked too as found full read SSRF on one of the biggest and best bug bounty programs around the world, I was able to retrieve everything from AWS metadata like access_keys, tokens, etc.
I reported the bug immediately and It got triaged in 3 hours :)
It was the happiest moment for me. 😄 😄 😄
Now Team asked me to check if RCE was possible there or not. I got the access key , token and Tried Executing this commands:- AWS ec2 stop-instances — instance-ids intsanceidhere , But it didn’t worked as that role was not having enough permissions to execute the command.
But I was still too happy and was excited for Bounty 😙
Finally, on the 9th Day, Dropbox Rewarded me with $4913
It was all about my first SSRF and the highest bounty till now. 😄
If you have questions and anything about the post you want to ask me, please contact me via Twitter (ehsayaan) My DMs are always open.
Kudos toSean(zseano),Sam Curry,Jenish SojitraandShubham Patelfor reviewing this blog.
Special thanks to Dropbox Security Team for helping me throughout the whole process.